PV Student
Solar Education Resource

Classes taught by Sean White
Create your own custom class for NABCEP credit directly with your own IREC Certified Independent Master Trainer and NABCEP Entry Level Exam Provider. (925) 482-4176 or seanwhitesolar@gmail.com
Schedule Sean in 2015/16
Please contact Sean White for 2015 and 2016 Schedule at:
+1(925) 482-4176

Many classes in many different parts of the world or a custom class designed for your company or organization. Classes count towards all NABCEP PV credit.
Look for classes this year across the USA, Manila, South Africa, Seychelles Islands, China, Lebanon, Pakistan, Nigeria, South Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Online and more!
Past classes...
Schedule 2013
1/14 5-Day PV Entry Level, Solar University, Livermore, CA
1/24 JobTrain Lecture, Menlo Park, CA
1/26 Advanced PV Topics and the 2011 NEC, SF Bay, CA
1/28 5-Day Advanced PV, Infinite Solar, San Jose, CA

1/31 SolarMOOC Online Lecture, What Makes PV Different
The Magic of PV with Sean White
Online Lecture
2/4-5 Company Electrical Contractor Training, Portland, OR
2/11 5-Day PV Entry Level, Solar University, Livermore, CA
3/2 Advanced PV Topics and the 2011 NEC, SF Bay, CA
3/11 5-Day PV Entry Level, Solar University, Livermore, CA
3/18-19 Module Mfg Training, CO
3/21-22 Module Mfg Training, Los Angeles, CA
3/30 Advanced PV Topics and the 2011 NEC, SF Bay, CA
4/1-4/4 40 Hour PV Bootcamp, NABCEP Entry Level PV Course, NJ/Philadelphia Metro
4/5 1-Day Advanced PV, NJ, Philadelphia Metro
4/8 5-Day PV Entry Level, Solar University, Livermore, CA
4/13 NABCEP Exam Prep, SF Bay, CA
4/15 5-Day Advanced PV, Infinite Solar, Philadelphia, PA
4/19 NABCEP Exam Prep, SF Bay, CA
4/27 Advanced PV Topics and the 2011 NEC, SF Bay, CA
5/6 5-Day PV Entry Level, Solar University, Livermore, CA
5/16 Universal Code for PV System Design and Integration Lecture and Chairperson for Session Chairman, SNEC (worlds largest PV conference), Shanghai, China
6/3 Advanced PV NEC and IEC, Private Client, Doha Qatar
6/10-6/20 NABCEP Entry Level Program for Burnham Energy, San Jose, CA
6/13 Advanced PV and the NEC for CSI Electrical Contractors, Southern CA
6/24 5-Day PV Entry Level, Solar University, Livermore, CA
6/30 Advanced PV Topics and the 2011 NEC, SF Bay, CA
7/8 5-Day PV Entry Level, Solar Academy International, San Francisco, CA (InterSolar field trips)
7/13 PV Workshop, NorCal, CA
7/15 5-Day PV Entry Level, Solar University, Livermore, CA
7/22 Alaska PV Workshop, Juneau, AK
7/26 Lynn Canal PV Workshop, Haines, AK
7/29 5-Day NABCEP Entry Level Exam Class with Field Trips, Bay Area, CA
8/5 High Sierra PV Workshop, Pinecrest, CA
8/31 Advanced PV Topics Workshop, SF Bay, CA
9/7 PV Workshop, SoCal, CA
9/28 Advanced PV Topics Workshop, SF Bay, CA
10/12 NABCEP Exam Prep, SF Bay, CA
10/18 NABCEP Exam Prep, SF Bay, CA
10/26 Advanced PV Topics and the 2011 and 2014 NEC, SF Bay, CA
11/25 Advanced PV Topics and the 2011 and 2014 NEC, SF Bay, CA
12/28 Advanced PV Topics and the 2011 and 2014 NEC, SF Bay, CA
Where to sign up:
Advanced Classes with Sean White, John Wiles, Bill Brooks, etc.
PV Entry Level Course in USA and abroad with many different solar schools or direct with instructor.
To schedule classes, workshops or tutoring direct with the instructor, Sean White email seanwhitesolar@gmail.com for professional courses of all levels, catered to your needs.

Sean White is a NABCEP Entry Level Exam Provider

Sean White is a IREC Certified Independent Master Trainer
Which qualifies him to teach for NABCEP Continuing Education and Certification Prerequisite Credit

SolarPro voltage_rise_article_by_Sean_White.pdf (PDF — 827 KB)
Schedule 2012
1/21 PV Technical Sales, Krannich Solar, Mt. Laurel NJ
1/23 PV Wire Sizing, Krannich Solar, Mt. Laurel NJ
1/24 PV Electrical Design, Krannich Solar, Mt. Laurel NJ
1/28 Guest Speaker for PV Class, Richmond CA
1/30 5-Day PV Entry Level, Solar University, Livermore CA
2/6-2/9 Texas Tour with John Wiles, Krannich Solar, San Antonio & Houston TX
2/13 5-Day PV Boot Camp, Krannich Solar, Mt. Laurel NJ
2/27 5-Day PV Entry Level, Solar University, Livermore CA
3/1 PV Conductor Sizing Workshop, Sean White Solar, Lafayette, CA
3/3 PV Technical Sales, Krannich Solar, Mt. Laurel NJ
3/5 PV Wire Sizing, Krannich Solar, Mt. Laurel NJ
3/6 PV Electrical Design, Krannich Solar, Mt. Laurel NJ
3/7 PV Technical Sales, Krannich Solar, Boston MA
3/8 PV Electrical Design, Krannich Solar, Boston MA
3/12-15 Cross Country Tour with Bill Brooks & Sean White NJ & CA & Kelly Larson Batteries in CA with the Solar Education Center
3/20 Presenting Paper on PV Electrical Design & Engineering at SEMICON/SEMI Shanghai, China
3/26 5-Day PV Entry Level, Solar University, Livermore CA
3/31 Advanced PV Class at Diablo Valley College begins 8-week Saturdays course. Pleasant Hill, CA
4/2 5-Day PV Boot Camp, Krannich Solar, Mt. Laurel NJ
4/9 & 10 2-Day Intensive PV Course, Solarise Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
4/12 & 13 2-day Commercial Solar Class, Solar Universe, Livermore, CA
4/14 Advanced PV Class at Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill, CA
4/16 5-day PV Custom Curriculum Course, Canada
4/21 Advanced PV Class at Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill, CA
4/23 Advanced PV Topics, Krannich Solar, Chicago IL
4/24 Advanced PV Topics, Krannich Solar, Denver, CO
4/25 Advanced PV Topics, Krannich Solar, Portland OR
4/26 Advanced PV Topics, Krannich Solar, Phoenix AZ
4/27 Advanced PV Topics, Krannich Solar, Dallas TX
4/28 Advanced PV Class at Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill, CA
4/30 Advanced PV Topics, Krannich Solar, Atlanta, GA
5/1 Advanced PV Topics, Krannich Solar, Raleigh NC
5/4 Advanced PV, Sean White Solar, Lafayette, CA
5/5 Advanced PV Class at Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill, CA
5/7-5/9 John Wiles & Sean White Hartford Connecticut & Medford Massachusetts, Krannich Solar USA
5/11 NABCEP Tech Sales Prep., Sean White Solar, Lafayette, CA
5/14 5-Day PV Entry Level, Solar University, Livermore, CA
5/12 Advanced PV Class at Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill, CA
5/19 Advanced PV Class Final Exam at Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill, CA
6/2 Conductor Sizing, Sean White Solar, Lafayette, CA
6/11 5-Day PV Entry Level, Solar University, Livermore, CA
6/16 PV & Rooftops, Sean White Solar, Lafayette, CA
7/2-7/25 M-F Contra Costa College & Richmond Build Intensive PV Training, Richmond, CA
7/14 Advanced PV Workshop, Sean White Solar, Lafayette, CA
7/28 Advanced PV Workshop, Sean White Solar, Lafayette, CA
8/13 5-Day PV Entry Level, Solar University, Livermore, CA
8/18 Advanced PV Workshop, Sean White Solar, Lafayette, CA
9/10 5-Day PV Entry Level, Solar University, Livermore, CA
9/15 Advanced PV Workshop, Sean White Solar, Lafayette, CA
9/28 PV Technical Sales Task Analysis, Maui, Hawaii!!
10/15 5-Day PV Entry Level, Associated Builders and Contractors Journeyman Electricians, Solar University, Livermore, CA
10/22 5-Day Advanced PV, Clean Edison, Long Island NY
10/29 5-Day Advanced PV, Clean Edison, Los Angeles, CA
11/03 Advanced PV Topics and the 2011 NEC, SF Bay, CA
11/5 5-Day PV Entry Level, Solar University, Livermore, CA
11/13-30 Richmond Build/Contra Costa College, Richmond, CA
12/5 PV Systems, Cebu, Philippines
12/6 PV Systems, Manila, Philippines
12/15 Advanced PV Topics and the 2011 NEC, SF Bay, CA
12/29 Advanced PV Topics and the 2011 NEC, SF Bay, CA